Etsy Product Photos: 7 Secret Tips to Sell More and Attract Customers


Why are product photos important to an Etsy seller?

Great product photos are essential for Etsy entrepreneurs. They say, ‘Do not judge a book by its cover,’ but when was the last time you bought an online product with awful pictures? You may offer the best quality items, but if you are serious about growing your business, you shouldn’t underestimate the power of good images; it can take a photo or break a sale.

Creating the perfect product photos might seem a bit overwhelming to those just starting out. Here are seven tips for some great Etsy photos:

7  Consider the Purpose of Your Product Photos

You want your product photos to attract attention, present a clear view of the product, and highlight your brand’s image. It is useful to remember the purpose of the final result when planning your next shot.

The product photo is the first impression that your potential client gets. It needs to attract enough attention to make customers click and find out more. If the overall quality of your product photos is low, people are likely to just ignore your products and move on to the next one with better product photos.

These photos also give the visitor a good sense of the product. You can’t have the same perception online as holding the physical item. Suffice it to say, your product photos need to convey all the details. They must clearly show the texture, color, size so that your potential clients can make an informed choice.

There are many styles of product photos, and you need to match your product, brand image, and industry. Would you like a minimalist aesthetic? A vintage one? Bohemian, yes? Spend some time looking for motivation and figure out what kind of vibe you want for your photos.

6  Lighting

For a great image, lighting is probably one of the most vital aspects. It can completely change the product’s appearance and enhance it in a variety of ways. While investing in professional lighting equipment can make a difference, you could make the most of your existing equipment by using a variety of techniques.

Make sure you look at the appropriate lighting conditions for your preferred photo aesthetics. For a clean, clear, minimalist look, natural light is a great tool.

If you take a shot outside, the ‘golden hour’ can create warmer, softer tones. Take your pictures right after sunrise or before sunset.

5  Close-ups and Details

Offer a better sense of the texture and details of the products, including close-up shots. Details of complex items, such as handcrafted jewellery, could only be captured by a close-up photo.

Close-ups also help you be accurate and transparent when it comes to scratches or flaws in vintage or handmade items. It is better to create realistic expectations than to obscure these details and risk deceiving your client.

4  Backgrounds and Props

The type of your brand image and your product will be reflected in your photo style. For this reason, the product itself is not the only aspect that matters. Complete the picture with your background and props in mind.

You might want to make a cozy scene if you’re selling colorful ceramic mugs. You could add some of the natural ingredients used right next to the item for a natural makeup product.

3  Scale

Potential customers need to know the exact sizes of your products. For some products, the dimensions are not always clear in the pictures. Some objects might appear smaller or bigger in actuality, and that might disappoint your customers.

It is vital to offer a sense of scale for products such as art pieces, toys, bowls, candles, etc. by placing the product next to an object with a standard dimension.

2  Optimizing & Editing 

After you take your product photos, editing is an excellent way to take it to the next level. You could adjust the lighting, contrast, or remove any imperfections like dirt. You could crop the image and, if necessary, rotate it slightly.

Nevertheless, please be careful not to overdo it. Too much editing could give an unrealistic image of your product, which could lead to unhappy clients.

Today, a significant amount of traffic is mobile, which should not be overlooked. Make sure your product photos are mobile-optimized and look great on a smaller screen.

1  Watermark

When you finally have amazing and high-quality product photos, you might want to consider watermarking before uploading them.

Watermarking is an excellent way to protect your product photos and prevent others from using and claiming to be their own. It can also help you increase the recognition of your brand.

By adding a digital signature form, your products and images will become more identifiable with your brand.

Be imaginative and match the watermark to your image for efficient watermarking. Avoid watermarks that make a different focal point. The product, not the watermark, should be taken into consideration.

Watermarquee offers a free, high-quality watermarking service. Watermarks are fully customizable, providing multiple templates and allowing you to choose your fonts, colors, logos, and more.

Also, if you want to save time and effort, Watermarquee allows bulk watermarking, where you can watermark a bunch of product photos in one go. Sign up to the pro version to start unlimited watermarking today.