How to Watermark Photos for Free – Best 5 Hacks

Watermarking should be a part of your photography work

A lot of people think that watermarks are only there to protect the copyright of their images. It is indeed one of the purposes, but it is not the only one. Watermarks could be a great marketing tool for budding, even seasoned photographers, so you need to know how to watermark photos for free.

This is something that young, inexperienced photographers frequently overlook.

Your watermark is your signature, your own personal image. And if you’re serious about photography, you need to know this: photos make a lucrative business.

It is great to have brilliant photos, but it is better to have a professional-looking watermark to catch complete attention.

The Watermarking Process

What you want for your photography business is a branding process that includes generating a stunning watermark. Knowing how to watermark photos for free has two stages:

A. Designing a Watermark
B. Stamping Your Images

Let us get into the core of these phases.

Designing a Watermark photo for Free

Not every watermark is a good watermark. Visibility is not the only factor that matters when you create a watermark.

This design process needs attention to detail, like finding an interesting yet readable font. Here are a couple of ideas that will guide you to begin your photography branding process.

5 Essential Tips on How to Design Watermark Photos for Free:

  1. Use your complete name and the word “photography” below. This will ensure both professionalism and credibility as well as the brand.
    People will easily remember who took the fantastic photo they toppled upon.
  2. Apply a calligraphy font for the name and a simplistic font in uppercase for the word “photography.”
  3. Use white for the font color and have the transparency set around 40-60%. That way, the watermark will be unobtrusive but still visible.
  4. Place the watermark in the best spot. Most people put their watermark in the left or right corner of the lower part of the photo. That’s the right placement. However, if the colors of your photo do not allow the watermark to be visible, you can put it in the upper part as well. Never put your Watermark Photos for Free in the center of the picture (unless you’re planning to sell it).

Bear in mind that the watermark must be the focus of the picture.

5. Create and use a branded logo. Using a logo that is identifiable to you will improve your ability to gain recognition as a photographer.

Using these five watermark designing tips, produce a transparent PNG file that can be easily applied over any kind of image. It is better if you make two PNG files: one with white and one with black colored font.

Stamping Your Photos

Before, the process of watermarking was difficult. You had to apply expensive software like Photoshop to learn complicated things like batch processing. Watermarquee is an online free watermarking service that is effective, yet simple and straightforward.

How to Watermark Photos for Free Using Watermarquee:

  1. Go to Watermarquee’s website.
  2. Click Select Photos to Watermark.
  3. Select the image that you want to watermark and uploaded.
  4. At the editor page, you can select to add a logo watermark or a text-based watermark which you will need to upload
  5. Click Save when you are done
  6. Repeat the steps above if you have various photos that you would like to watermark
  7. Once you are done, click Save to ZIP file and it will download every Watermark photos for free in a ZIP file to your PC.

You can then save the watermarked images on your computer. There is no limit to how many images you can Watermark Photos for Free, but the free watermarking service will only support a max of 5 images at a time.

Those who do not want to complicate things can just write a watermark text and modify the size and position of the text. It is very simple with drag-and-drop options.

If you want to have unlimited watermarks, Watermarquee offers a  premium service for a low, one-off fee. That’s right, pay once and use forever!

Watermarquee Pro, allows you to upload unlimited photos, any file size, and any image file, such as JPG, GIF, TIF, BMP, and PNG. This is important if you’re a professional photographer and are using more substantial resolutions.

The Pro version provides users with access to premium templates for something a bit more fancy, and more fonts. The Pro version costs only $19 for a one-off fee.

They can also share watermarked photos on Flickr, Picasa, and Facebook. This is a great thing knowing that social sharing is generally the best way to promote your business and photography art.

Good equipment is essential and keeping them in excellent condition with accessories like this great camera backpack from CADeN.

Protecting your online photos is just as important as taking the perfect photo, so sign up today for unlimited watermarking.